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-Tuesday, April 24, 2007

my blog has been dead 4 like 3 mths now.
din really feel like blogging anymore yea.heheh

but recently had so many fun stuff happening
there was council elections, council camp, corporate video shoot, investiture at millenia institute n today tis EU event.

council really open my eyes to alot of things. meet new ppl n today even ambassadors n representatives of different european countries.

today my job was to usher MOE officials n foreign media.
but some went past w/o us knowing
heard some officials werent very happy.but well....y din they use the VIP carpark?
everyone was thr lo
den all the embassy cars came.
all the carplate no. damn nice la Sxx01CD
bernard, sadiq n i wondered y of all alphabets they use CD?
the representatives frm Austria was the last to come.
Sadiq n i was nice enuff to accompany bernard ya.(bernard u owe us a din treat =D)
we stood till our legs became sore, so we sat dwn at the steps rather unglamly
den a cab came.n its the representative!!!

Audi had a leaky roof today.
of all places, the roof decides to leak directly abv all the VIPs, n onli the VIPs
like so =.= la
den we had to find mop,cloth, buckets to collect water. super unglam can

den ushered the VIPs to their reception table
mrs mano was so nice
she chatted wit us den asked us to mingle arnd wit the representatives instead of just standing thr =D
so went to talk to the Swedish rep. Super tall can.
She's even taller den des who is the tallest in our council la
Den she was telling us swedish n cant rmb which other country ppl r the tallest in the world
like so O.o . i stand beside her felt like a dwarf sia. i wear a 1 inch heel n like barely reached her shoulders la.*sob*
den chatted Austria's rep. she's a nice woman....learnt some stuff abt Austria. Their ppl like so multilingual la....we onli bilingual w/o counting dialects.haha
den saw tis guy alone at the reception table so went over to entertain him. tt rep is frm Finland.
chatted loads.abt the climate, education in s'pore n Finland n some random stuff.
He said i should go europe n study....
i also wan!!!!! but no $$$$. sponsor anyone?
so i told him i no $$$ n he ask me get scholarship.=.= i wait long long lor
den i ran out of things to say so i went off to find more ppl to talk to =D
but too bad everyone else was bz n i din wan to butt in....so i entertain myself wit food!!!! haha

left sch at 10.30 wit geraldine
den to save us frm carrying so much stuff we wore our courtshoes n held our blazer all the way to bukit batok.
reached thr late.
omg....so throw face can.
thr sch very special sia.
they hac 2 council. student council n NE council
n i saw ben wong thr!!!!!OMG!!!!
i tot he's in MJC or sth la....
later i realised he actually din tell anyone he's thr...
n their march in song....exactly the same as the 1 we used last yr!!!!
reminded me of my own invest la....like so fast...1 yr le,going to step dwn soon...*sob sob*
den they had 2 president? haha....so cool

den tis usher....stuck wit me n geraldine throughout our visit...brought us all arnd the sch.
n the sch got lift!!!!!so gd sia!!!!den we met some of the teachers n the teachers were nice too =D
their canteen is called 'fork n spoon' ; bookshop='pen n pencils' or sth ; council room='senate'
she brought us to their council room.
their seniors had a 'surprise' 4 them. haha
we were allowed to take a look but cannot tell the juniors.
they said its a tradition to mess up the room, hang the keys on the ceilings, put lots of balloons n hide a cake underneath n make the juniors dive into the sea of balloons. haha.
mayb we should hav tt too?

left MI den rushed back to sch just in time to take the corporate video
our line was 'so when we leave, ur hallowed portals, we will go wit courage, ready r we to face life challenges'
dunno y so long sia.... mayb they cut till onli 1 line ba

1:39 AM

-Wednesday, January 24, 2007

been too lazy to blog
since its a special day today i shall blog

today its like 1 of the most memorable day in my life =D
thanks to 06S14
i luv u ppl =) n thanks soooooo much
they buy me a cake n celebrated my birthday in the canteen during break time
n they sang me bithday song in like all the tutorial lesson we hav =)
they really really really made my day
felt so loved by my friends =D
haven felt like tis in a long time lo

den went to meet mum at tam
she spent a few hundred bucks on me today
heheh....so shop shop n more shopping =)
after tt went to sis hse to spend the rest of the day since she cant move arnd much
quite boring la...cannot go out...but i m so blessed to hav my family wit me

received alot of presents =)
thankew ppl...ur thoughts r much appreciated
even got lots of things tt i wanted....telepathy mayb?haha

thrs tis huge dog tt has like attracted much attention ya....
i always wanted a BIG soft toy tts soft,cute n oh-so-huggable =D
the gals who gave me tis phonechain n tis 'birthday pills' n a box
the birthday pills r like soooo interesting la....
'when not taken on a bday,may lead to severe side effects.consult a physician immediately...
den i treated the gals to the birthday pills....the side-effects is extreme highness...so high till kee-siao
also had a bottle n watch which i wanted to buy but cant find 1 i like =D
n my mum bot the most ex prezzie...tis bracelet frm sk =D so pretty!!

oh ya....n thanks to everyone who wished me happy bday =D
the TTTT gals, 3-days-later sista junjun,the machos,naimas n alot of ppl frm council...

11:42 PM

-Wednesday, December 27, 2006

kors wedding in another 7hrs time!!!

just when to his hse...
although the wedding tmr but his hse was still in a mess
worse still...he din clean up n was still watching tv!!!
so mum,sis,jie fu n i started cleaning up...
felt like a maid sia....mayb can charge him fee

today was so bz la...
mum go temple pray
go do nails n trim eyebrow...
den heard tt kor's suit n da sao's gown wasnt ready...
like so wad la...tmr is the wedding n untill today the gown isnt ready
tt bridal studio so lousy la....nvr go tr sia!!

today everyone feeling quite hot tempered la...
like things not done...
n mum esp feeling super mad...
coz tradition has it tt the groom family do certain things n the bride's family do certain things
n wadeva mum did da sao's family come interfere...
n even hongbao money also hav its own politics....
cheem sia....

but i quite happy la...
1st time since sis's wedding i hav everyone at home
kor haven been home to stay since sis's wedding...
miss those times when everyone is still tgt sia...

n last wk had OGL camp...
was so much fun
dunno y but i became an assistant family head
i luv my grp =)
but they abit dead la...
or izzit me....
i disappeared most of the time...
dunno y but i prefered staying tgt wit the council =)
somemore hav alot of things to prepare...so din bond much wit my grp

den 2nd day camp i tried bonding wit them....their response made me super sad lo
tok 2 them like dun wan ans me....den cont toking amg themselves
super demoralising la...
den onli play games at my station den 'we luv u' 'u our grp assistant head leh'
sian la...
but coz of rhyss i stayed wit the grp =)

den had dirty wet games....
dunno y but i super accident prone la....
i accidentally injured rhyss wit an egg n khalis wit a water bomb
sry ppl....
thank goodness they ok la....
esp rhyss....if she go blind i wud b guilty 4eva...

n mass dance!!! so fun
but dance till i giddy everytime lo
esp when the council was practicing it b4 the camp...
n favien!!!! he shake till like woot~~~
everytime he shake ppl will go screaming...haha
a little exagerating here....but he really shake better den gals...
so i took a video of him dancing n everyone has been hounding me 4 it yea...
n the oh-so-sexy khalis...
dance so well la....
esp the 1 she danced wit bryan 4 a mini competition...

1:24 AM

-Sunday, December 17, 2006

haven blog 4 a very long time...
my life has been full of ups n dwns recently

1st thrs kor's wedding
been busy preparing 4 it...
shopping n more shopping wit mum to get stuffs
den sis n i couldnt find a gown we liked at the bridal studio...
so going arnd buying a dress...
shopping wit her abit sian la....shoes n bags n more shoes n bags...
see until i so sian...

den been to the bank n family court wit mum,sis n kor...
brought back lots of unpleasant memories...
its as though i m going thru the whole nitemare agn =(
found out abt lots of things i nvr knew b4...haiz
met dad 4 the 1st time in the yr....but hav 2 see him at the family court isnt a happy occasion though
n being sandwiched in btw mum n dad doesnt feel good either...
n all over the place r ppl crying n looking glum...can even hear ppl screaming frm those counseling rooms =x

met the gals also...
too bad ling didnt come =(
so jess,ling n i bot tis pillow 4 tine...
n kris bot the cup which made a set =)
went to tines hse n celebrated her bday....
tine's dad was nice....helped us take photo n stuff

den the happiest thing during these few weeks is the day i get my pay!!!
1st time i got a check =)
den visited the leftover ppl who r still thr suffering...
too bad they were too bz to chit-chat wit me =(

countdwn to bro's wedding =) 10 days!!!

6:16 PM

-Tuesday, November 28, 2006

been bz working working all day long
ppl has been in bad mood lately...
wads their prob?
kena scolded frm customer nowhere to vent their anger den vent it on temp + new ppl izzit
i realised tt ppl who hav worked thr longer n r older hav serious pms probs
so few ppl r nice n willing to help when they r bz

been real bz,but met real nice n sweet customers tt day
guess i m lucky =)
they made scoldings frm those counter staff more bearable...
n of coz brightened my day =D
also received lots of reservation =)

call center was so free =D
irene even treated the whole department to waffles =D
received my 1st scolding frm customer as well...
why?coz the price i quoted is higher den the one published on the newspaper...
n so....she scolded chan bro for being dishonest...

my very 1st mistake...
realised tt 1 of my reservation air tixs must b issued by today!!!
worse still....hotel must b confirmed b4 issueing tix...
n....i haven even send request 4 hotel =x
got scolded by sharon BIG time =(
heard frm a senior staff tt the customer totally bad-mouthed me...
say wad i new,everything also dunno....always put her on hold...
n to think she was so nice to me b4 tt when she noes i m new lor
den always thanking me 4 serving her...
change side so fast sia

today also heard tt jimmy received call frm someone calling frm dubai
it seems tt tt person arrived at dubai airport n no one went to pick him up
aww....so ke lian

had to do follow-up for ppl who made reservation...
some ppl very funny lar...
told them the flight details n stuff n they agreed b4 i made reservation
den when i do follow-up they not happy wit tis not happy wit tt =.=

today in the office the person who got the most n fiercest scoldings is....eugene.
poor thing la
he took 1 wk off....come back dunno alot of things le
den anyhow go promise tis promise tt...
den dunno how to log-in system also =.=
den he go tranfer calls to individual staff
n worse still....he transfer calls directly to operation team which we r not supposed to
n they r like the busiest,grouchiest,fiercest ppl ever la

den elyne got a very knotty case..
her customer not satisfied wit his 2nd choice hotel....
den wan to cancel n die die wan take back full deposit...
wads more...departure date like 1 wk later n air tix alrdy issued lor
somemore claim is our fault...say we take things into our own hand anyhow decide hotel 4 him
it was his 2nd choice lor 4 goodness sake
n written black n white tt we will go according to choices n if dun accept cancellation fees will apply
i wonder if tt person blind or sth lor....so unreasonable....
den get elyne into trouble n a huge scolding frm irene

working thr hor...really ren wu ke ren liao
even fanny n elyne who worked for 2 wks cannot tahan n wan to quit liao...
temp staff all also counting dwn to the day we r free =D
2 more wks!!!cant wait =D

12:54 AM

-Friday, November 24, 2006

been back frm work...
super sian...
found no more motivation in waking up early n going =(

on mon had training(once agn)
had sharon...
super fierce la....
i dunno wad they trying to do sia....
a little while train a little while work...
den make us wait n wait....
they better pay me as usual lor....

den tues too many ppl not enuff phones...
so wudi.huixin,victor,jimmy n i ended up moving stuff,clean office n print itineries
den at arnd 6pm 3 person kena fired
like !@#$%^&* lor....so sudden can =(
heard tt the manager complained abt them...
wth la....we new rite...confirm dunno lots of things de ma
now the rest of us like very carefull la...later kena sacked also =(
n so my lunching n going home ppl r all gone...
eleen got transfer to counter n fanny went to another department =(

at nite went to meet kor...
he came back frm cypress!!!!!!
n he bot me presents n lotsa goodiees =)
yay!!!!!i miss him so much!!!!!
told jie tt office hav ppl kena fired....
den she told me working life is liddat wan....hav to learn n work fast or will b eliminated
wudi...hui xin...the rest of us miss u!!!!!

went back to training agn...
the info everyone giv diff la...
like wth???
so wad m i supposed to tell customers?
n up till now i haven been able to convinced anyone to go on a tour =(
sad sad....
must jia you n help eleen meet her sales target =)

12:08 AM

-Sunday, November 19, 2006

tis has been a bz week
feel as though i going to peng alrdy
been out whole week...
waking up early to go out n slping late to catch my shows n do some work
working at travel agency not easy sia
have to learn abt all the package available,how to cal prices,how to check availability,check flight,n all the attraction n the packages n wad it is abt
like how to rmb?
hav to rmb all the codes for airlines,country,airport n package code

start training on mon...
learn abt the company...whos the director n managers n stuffs...
den waited 4 1 hr den learned to use the system to check tour
i realise tt they r fond of making ppl wait...not 1 day hav gone by w/o making us wait lor

den products planner like jasmine,wyne,mag came to teach us abt the tours
somehow they manage to make everything seem so interesting...
make me tempted to go also...anyone sponsor?
wyne said if we help sell his japan tour he will giv us discount in future =D
but i realise tt when i repeat those itineries to customer it seems so boring...like onli hav theme parks,ski,museum n shopping
hmm...i hav much more to learn

den we had tests....hav to rmb airline code...like singapore airline=SQ
theres like a whole huge list of them...sian diao lor
we even had role play...
we took turns pretending to b customers n counter staff
den coz thr was an odd no...we had to pretend as couple going on hol thanks to wyne...
but thrs tis guy who acted very well...he was like 'honey,whr u wanna go?' n 'we r on honeymoon...so we wan doublebed'
his acting caused an uproar in the training room lor...

on thurs we had on-job training...
i was attached to my shi-fu devi to learn
n 1 thing i realise...wad they taught at training was seldom used
n more often den not...the things given out n taught r wrong n impt info r not given
like alot of ppl wan to noe the hotels how many stars...like how i noe?
den hav to run arnd the office ask arnd =.=
coz of tis we kena scolded my the manager...

n thrs tis perm staff...i everyday w/o fail kena scolded by her...
1st was coz we made too much noise...den coz i chat wit serchee...n today coz customer miscommunication which caused me to become blur...
n of all places i hav to go sit rite behind her....=.=

den today i finally offically on job liao
not attached to ppl so i hav to ans call on my own
den today had fair at some hotel
so we r under-staff
so lunch break hav to eat fast den go back work...
n some stuff we temp r like not taught so hav to ask senior
n worse...we hav a lack of senior today...so today like panicking all the time
we temp ask so much till we felt so paiseh liao...like keep disturbing ppl

ans calls seemed to b so fun at 1st..
but after some time when i get scolded 4 nth ans calls seems to b a dread liao
but heng thrs fanny,eleen,hui xin,wudi,anting n those guys to make things more fun
esp fanny n eleen...they used to work at travel agency too..
so they helped us really alot alot =D

but go thr work also gd la...
noe how they cal the prices, learn some travelling tips n how to handle ppl
heheh...esp when i hav to tok to fierce ppl in the office...i will wait till they serving ppl
den i wun get scolded...haha....
quite interesting actually....mayb i will work in the travelling industry in future?
hmm...but ppl thr r grouchy....

3:02 AM

+Dora Lim+
+sweet eighteen(not old plz)!+

+retail therapy!!!!+
+taking neoprints,or photo wif frenz+
+drama!!!!!korean best =D+
+my family!!!!(my niece coming soon!!!!)+
+the machos+
+21st sc+
+tpjc 06s14+
i jUst wiSh to hoLd y0ur hAnds s0 tiGhtLy nEvA t0 leT g0 iF i wErE t0 gRab 0n t0 y0ur hAnds



+Hui Hui+
+Wei Qiang+
+Fallen Angel+
w0 zHi Xi wAngg Ni neNgg Zai w0 sHenG biAnn
daNn sHi nA zHi sHi yi cHaNgG mEngg
w0 zhi nEnG zAi yUann cHu wAng zHe ni
quE bU gAnn ka0 jinGg ni

i juSt waNn tO h0ld 0n t0 y0u
nevA lEt g0 y0uR haNds
buT y0u seeMs dRiFtiNg sL0wLy aWay
m0re and m0re unreacHeabLe


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